Geographe Bay Road, Dunsborough
When people decide to create a beautifully appointed home, it is highly rewarding to be brought in to create a garden to match. This solid, modern construction’s use of timber and stone gives it a grounded feeling which tied in perfectly to the colourful, native brief.
At the front an expanse of green lawn helps set it back from the road without blocking the home from the neighbourhood. The curved shape contrasts and softens the angular house. Separated by Corten edging, garden beds flow around the grass filled with an array of native plants. These are interspersed with some granite boulders to tie in with the feature wall. An elevated mound creates contour and a Grass Tree sits atop it as a natural entry statement, with planting blending around it.

Geographe Bay Road, Dunsborough
Potted kumquats fitted perfectly into the light central courtyard giving it a Mediterranean feel with the blue glaze, white aromatic flowers and vibrant orange fruit. For this area planting is kept to a minimum. A Crepe Myrtle is the centerpiece, displaying a showy pink blossom in late Summer to enjoy through all of the living area windows.
The rear garden is split between two levels by a granite retaining wall topped with a playfully planted border. The large deck offers direct access to a succulent garden with a water feature and the open lawn area for the grand children to run.
Accessed via stone steps set into a grass bank the lower level houses the shed, future vegetable gardens and a planted area featuring a variety of interesting natives. This will alleviate traffic noise from a nearby road, and create all year round interest for native birdlife.